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Session Times

MONDAY5.45pm for 6:00pm9:30pmMasterpoints - Booking can be made on your TeamReach App - not essential
WEDNESDAY1.15pm for 1.30pm5.00pmMasterpoints - Booking can be made on your TeamReach App - not essential
THURSDAY12.45pm for 1:00pm4:30pmMasterpoints - Booking can be made on your TeamReach App - not essential
FRIDAY12.45pm for 1:00pm4:00pmSupervised Assisted Play - Phone Partner Arranger (see below) for advice

Table fees: $5 for full sessions. Friday - "Gold Coin" to cover cost of refreshments
Please be seated at least 15 minutes before the session starting time - Visitors welcome
On the last Mon and Wed/Thurs (alternating) of the month, wine and nibbles will be available after bridge
Partnership Arranger: Sheila Irvine-Brown Phone: 0407 451 973 Email: [email protected]
Red Point Sessions marked on Calendar